
Wahlberg Says No to Return of Marky Mark

"They asked me if I would partake and I had to decline. Part of me would love to run around and act like a fucking asshole again but I can't do that. I've got two kids. I saw something on VH1 or something about me in the '90s and I thought, oh my God, how am I going to explain this to my kids? I have a few years to think about how to finesse it but I do think about it on a daily basis."

- Mark Wahlberg on donning his ‘90s alter ego moniker and reuniting with The Funky Bunch

We’re not surprised. He's been trying to bury this part of his resume for years. And anyway, would you do it, if you had an Oscar nomination and a decent Hollywood career? (We wouldn't have done it to begin with, but hey...)