
Chuck Berry Plays Gotham City

"While no individual can be said to have invented rock and roll, Chuck Berry comes the closest of any single figure to being the one who put all the essential pieces together."

- Rock and Roll Hall of Fame entry

The legendary, self-proclaimed brown-eyed handsome man will be performing in New York City, for the first time since who knows when, at BB King's this Saturday, September 12th. Will he be backed by one of his infamous last-minute assembled bands? Will he be amenable to the audience?

We've always felt that if Elvis Presley is the king of rock and roll, Berry should, at the very least, be considered master of its universe. But for many, Chuck has gone from our beloved genre's founding father to musical deadbeat dad. Despite this, we encourage those of you who can to attend this or any other upcoming show. After all, Berry is a month shy of his 83rd birthday...