
His Left Foot? (open letter to Harp magazine)

So, like practically every rock music magazine in the Western world, the White Stripes made your latest cover, too. These are not saints of our devotion, but fine, whatever. What we must take issue with is the nauseating hero-worship that writer Mike Edison bestows upon Meg White [Harp, July/August 2007], culminating with a comparison of her drumming skills to John Lee Hooker’s left foot (!!!). This reads as a fawning love letter charged with the shameless and pathetic intent of hoping to get her to sleep with him. That, or Harp has hired the White Stripes’ publicist.

Whether or not Jack White is an overrated musician—which he, in fact, is—or who else is or isn’t a virtuoso has no bearing on the stunning mediocrity that is Ms. White’s drumming. Period.
Regardless, the fact that this sorry excuse for music journalism made it to your pages has the editor(s) of your otherwise fine magazine flirting with dereliction of duty. Please. You guys are much better than that.