
In Bloom

Graham Brice's Flowering Future

[Full disclosure: Brice is a friend and colleague with whom I've shared a stage on numerous occasions. Regardless, this is as objective a review as humanly possible. - KJ]

Brice is a talented British singer/songwriter who's become a welcome quantity over the last decade or so among the New York City audiences who've had a chance to enjoy the Elvis Costello/Ray Davies influences of his songcraft. With a few releases under his belt, each as intriguing and engaging as the last, it seems as if they'd been leading towards this particular EP which, in a catalog of winners, is without a doubt this Brooklyn-based artist's finest moment.

Right off the bat, Brice doesn't waste any time reeling you in. “Antipodean Arms” is not just a great leadoff track but one that makes every effort to burrow and nest in your ear canal. As befits a disciple of his fellow countrymen, the aforementioned Costello and Davies, Brice has a knack for a turn of phrase or two and the bittersweet "I'm Alright With That" underscores this gift quite well indeed. "Canal" and "Trudge", respectively showcase Brice's maturation as a songwriter and a skilled arranger, in a way he's hinted at and occasionally achieved in the past, while "Honey Bear" closes things out in a lovely, albeit ultra sweet lullaby that ultimately works as a tender send-off.

A wonderful batch of indie rock singer/songwriter fare, here's hoping Flowering Future blooms widely and unchecked. Yes, it’s that good.