
What Is Wrong With Hollywood Right Now (Star Wars edition)

Solo: A Star Wars Story, the backstory of one of the most popular sci-fi/pop culture icons ever, opened to a $100 million weekend. Great, right? Um, no. Check out these headlines:

Forbes: "Reflecting On The Failure Of Solo: A Star Wars Story"
Variety: "Solo: A Star Wars Story Stumbles With A $103 Million Holiday Weekend"
Washington Post: "Woeful" Box Office

Etc. Etc. Etc.

People need to get a motherfucking grip. $168 million worldwide on its opening weekend and all this negative hubub? Give me a break.

Over at Gizmodo, this headline opted for common sense, vis-a-vis the film's box receipts:
"Everyone Needs to Calm Down About Solo's Box Office Performance"

Yeah, chill the fuck out.