
The C-Z List

Because reality TV and the internet have taken Andy Warhol from pop culture prophet to deity via his prescient declarations on the nature of ephemeral and vacuous celebrity (aka The 15 Minute Axiom), outlets that cover pop culture give coverage to a bunch of folks who the average person cannot name but are, regardless, the beneficiaries of some sort of following; one significant enough to warrant regular mention by these publications.

If you’re a regular reader of this space, chances are you don’t give a rat’s ass who these people are, despite an affinity or fondness for most pop culture. But in case you have a spouse, children or otherwise good friends who routinely mention or, God forbid, follow many of these famous-for-being-almost-famous, tabloid denizens, Kardashian worshippers and wannabes, here’s a handy guide designed to help tell them apart. And if you find it both exhausting and incredibly perplexing that these people attract some kind of spotlight, take solace in knowing you’re not alone.

[Vulture: Welcome to the Who-niverse: A guide to the many, many celebrities whose names make you say…"Who?"]